Friday, 26 December 2014

Dreams - Kissing

Dreams which involve kissing another person are actually a lot more common that people would care to admit. I'll happily be hold my hand up and admit that I've had dreams about kissing people. To be perfectly honest, I've even dreamed about kissing an ex-boyfriend or two in the past. I'm pretty certain, in those instances, that the dreams weren't foretelling my let's get on to what dreams involving kissing can actually mean.

Dreaming that you're kissing a friend:

To dream that you're being kissed by a friend signifies the deep respect and care which you feel towards that person. It may also signify a wish to deepen your bond and friendship.

Dreaming that you're kissing a celebrity:

This often denotes a strong desire to succeed in something you're doing right now. If you're working on a new project then it might mean that you're desperate to succeed there.

Dreaming of kissing a stranger

If your dream involves kissing someone you don't know then it might signal a desire for a fresh start in some aspect of your life, or a journey of self-discovery that you're undertaking. There might be some aspect of yourself that you're only just beginning to discover. Alternatively, it might mean that you're finally recognising some aspect of yourself that you'd previously repressed.

Dreaming that you're kissing an ex-boyfriend:

This can mean several different things so you'll have to decide which feels most right for you and the dream you were experiencing. I know some people hope that a reconciliation with an ex in a dream is a premonition for the future. I'm afraid I can't offer that guarantee, just as I can't disapprove it either. It's possible that your subconscious is picking up signs that are coming from your ex...but it's also equally possible that the dream is just trying to help you work through something.

Dreaming about kissing an ex-boyfriend suggests that the ex-boyfriend is on your mind. However, it could simply mean that your brain is looking back on the positive experiences that you had with your ex and is yearning for something similar with a new love. If you're single, it's possible that your brain is acknowledging the positive points of a past relationship so that you can work out what you want in future relationships. If there's been a significant shift or change in your life recently then the dream could also signal how far you've come since that relationship.

To dream of kissing your first love may be symbolic of fresh love or romance blooming in your life. If you're already in a relationship but dreaming about your ex then it could mean you need to add a little more passion and romance into your existing relationship.

Hints and tips: 

  • If your dream involves kissing a stranger then is there anything about him that is at all familiar? Does he look or remind you of anyone? 
  • Different parts of the body mean different things. For example, someone kissing you on the neck suggests passion, lust and giving into your desires. Alternatively, if you are kissing someone's foot then it may signify the respect you feel for that person. Similarly, dreaming of kissing someone on the cheek often denotes respect and friendship.

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