Saturday, 17 January 2015

The Top Ten Worst Chat-Up Lines

I don't know whether there's something in the water over here that makes people dish out terrible chat-up lines but I've certainly listened to my fair share. I'm not really sure of the success rate of this style of flirting...but I can't say that I've ever been a fan of pick-up lines.

Today, I'm going to share with you some of the worst chat-up lines that some of my female friends and I have experienced first-hand:

1) "I've never slept with a midget before but I'd rate you 10/10. Let me buy you a drink."

2) "My thing is ten inches long. Come home with me tonight and I'll show you what it's like being with a real man."

3) "If you're Little Red Riding Hood then I'll be your wolf."

4) "So ...what's a girl like you doing in a place like this?"

5) "If you were a ketchup bottle, I'd give you a squeeze."

6)  "Hope you're not afraid of a big man."

7) "Something's wrong with your phone. It doesn't have my number on it."

8) "Are you looking for a prince to sweep you off your feet? If so, you've just found him."

9) "If being sexy was a crime, you'd be guilty as charged!"

10) "Are you taking applications for a new boyfriend? If so, I'd like to submit my application because I'm sure I can give you a really good time."

Warning: For any guys reading this, I would advise against using the pick-up lines listed above on any ladies that you want to impress. You may call me old-fashioned but I think a simple compliment or a normal conversation with a guy is far better!

Anyway, has anyone heard any chat-up lines that are worse? Has anyone actually had any success using chat-up lines? What lines have you used or heard someone use? Share your stories and let me know.

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