Thursday, 22 January 2015

Is it Possible to do a 1 Year Bucket List?

The other day, I mentioned to a group of friends that I had written a "bucket list" for 2015. Immediately, one of my friends stated that a bucket list is usually filled with all of the things that people want to achieve before death. This is undoubtedly true...but I'm still going ahead with my 2015 bucket list anyway. Want to know why? Mostly because there's so many things that I want to do before I die that I'd rather set myself realistic goals to complete for each year.

If I have a set list of things to do each year then I know I'm more likely to get them done. For me, personally, short-term lists and goals make my real bucket list far easier to achieveespecially since I usually get complacent with long-term lists because I believe I have oodles of time to complete them.

That's why I have jotted down 10 achievements that I intend to accomplish before the end of 2015. Perhaps it isn't a bucket list, as such, but the things on my to-do list shall help me complete my actual bucket list (once I make it).

My plans for this year are pretty simple really and they're as follows:

1) Finish writing my novel
2) Be in a play (last year I was a puppeteer in Little Shop of Horrors and played "The Branch of Doom" but I'm looking to progress towards a speaking role)
3) Visit Ireland
4) Visit Scotland
5) Go to Disneyland Paris
6) Attend Comic Con
7) Make a sitcom with two of my close friends
8) Learn to bake
9) Achieve the dream which I'm carrying about in my head
10) Leave current job and enter a new profession

What are your goals for 2015? The list can be as short or as long as you want. Ultimately, it's not about's about following the path you want and living the life you want to lead. If you want this year to be better for you then change it and start working towards achieving your dreams. You have that power.

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