Saturday, 23 January 2016

Happy January: Introducing the Standard Blog of Goals for 2016...

Sorry for the delay in posting, my workload has been quite intense recently and I'm afraid I've not had many opportunities to put pen to paper! With the start of a fresh year, I have, however, come up with a list of all the things which I want to accomplish by the end of 2016! I've been fairly gentle with myselfsetting relatively obtainable goalsso that I know that some items will be ticked off by the end of the year!

By the end of the year, I want to:

  • Visit somewhere new
  • Go to a Supernatural convention (preferably with Em)
  • Finish my novel
  • Finish editing my last NaNoWriMo novel
  • Increase my cookery skills (particularly with savoury food) 
  • Try out Laserquest
  • Read at least one new book per month (I love reading so this will help me to do more of the things I enjoy)
  • Watch one new film and one TV series per month.
  • Double gaming score on the Xbox. 

I know that a couple of the items on this list might be quite hard to accomplish but I feel quite confident that I'll manage some of them. The book I have picked for this month is Maze Runner by James Dashner and it is a cracker! I've raced through the whole series and loved every single moment, even if The Death Cure (which is the final book in the trilogy) did make me cry!

I chose Crimson Peak as my film for the month. I have to say that I was a little disappointed after watching this film, possibly because I'd expected more of a chilling story centred around ghosts and hauntings. In any case, I thought the CGI in Crimson Peak was quite poor, giving the ghosts an almost laughable cartoon quality. Although the premise of the film was actually quite good, reminding me vividly at times of the fairytale "Bluebeard" (but with some added creepy twists), the film let itself down by placing most of its emphasis on needless gore, rather than on building tension and fear. I'm not sure I'd watch the film again; however, I have learnt that I should probably read the blurbs on films before watching them!